
A Dinner with a focus on a Biblical Worldview & Navigating the Internet for Parents, Grandparents, Stepparents, & Guardians, PLUS an Outreach Concert for the Community
Three events in ONE night. A dinner for parents, grandparents, stepparents, and guardians where Billy Lord equips attendees on navigating the internet and social media for children. Scott Davis gives an overview of what a Biblical Worldview is and how to view life through a Biblical lens instead of a social media one.
The evening closes with an hour-long, all-church, community-wide concert event with Billy Lord & Scott Davis consisting of humor, incredible music, and a simple Gospel presentation for any who might not have a personal relationship with Christ!
Because only 2%* of students have a Biblical Worldview, only 19%* of churchgoers, and only 36%* of pastors have a Biblical Worldview. Plus, churches need a fun outreach to connect with the community.
Our children are being discipled by the world and media whether we like it or not. We are in a battle for the hearts and minds of our youth.
In America today, societal narratives splinter and divide us. There's a lens for every cause du jour. But God has called us to be ONE people, ONE body, and HE is the Head.
What would that look like?
*Barna Group

Billy Lord & Scott Davis lead this special event.

is the One Real Day and Get Real Band Worship Leader. In addition to writing/arranging and leading the Real Worship for all the Get Real and One Real Day Spiritual Emphasis Conferences, he also serves as the Worship Arts Pastor at Eagle's Landing First Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia. It is there where he used to lead worship weekly with Mark Hall, lead singer/songwriter of the Grammy-winning band, Casting Crowns.
is a humorist, speaker, and author. He has spoken in Christian, public schools, and churches worldwide for the past thirty-six years sharing Christ. For years Scott spoke for ACSI Leadership conferences and various other events. He has traveled to all fifty states and has been in over twenty-five countries. He is a graduate of Liberty University and the author of two books, along with a weekly radio show entitled THE MONDAY MOOD CHANGER.

Most host this event on a Wednesday, thus the title, "WOW Wednesday." We want your community to leave "WOWed" by the Bible and Holy Spirit
However, we are more than flexible, scheduling permitting, to provide this event on any other night of the week or part of another special event or week. The promotional materials can be altered accordingly to meet your individual needs.
5:30 PM - 6:45 PM - Parent Dinner and Biblical Worldview / Navigating Internet Presentation
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM - Church & Community-wide Concert event for EVERYONE. Includes incredible music, video, humor, audience participation, AND a Gospel Presentation for those who might not have a relationship with Christ.

More Samples
Billy Lord with Casting Crowns
Billy Lord - Jesus Loves Me - Styles Picked by Audience
Video for Scott's Latest Devotional Book